Longwood Rotary Foundation Grants

Longwood Rotary offers grants that support a wide variety of projects, scholarships, and programs we are doing around the world.

Explore our Projects and Programs list, review our grant application (download links below) and see if you’d like to apply for funding for your project.

Complete the online form below.


** Current Grant Recipients must submit their FINAL GRANT REPORT by June 30th of the current Foundation year.


Longwood Rotary Foundation

Grant Guidelines

The Longwood Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees meets the 3rd Thursday of each month to review grant applications.  Please submit your application one week prior to those dates.

ELIGIBILITY Any organization that has tax exempt status is eligible to submit a grant application.

AREAS OF FUNDING Quality of Life, Education, Diversity & Inclusion, Community & Economic Development, Public Safety and Health, Environmental Sustainability.

TYPES OF APPLICATIONS THAT THE LRF SUPPORTS Pilot programs, Extension/Expansion of Existing Programs, Program Related Materials and Supplies, Scholarships, Matching Grants, Capital Campaigns, Sponsorships with Direct Tie-In to Programs.

TYPES OF APPLICATIONS THAT THE LRF WOULD NOT SUPPORT Endowments, Advertising, Salaries/Consultant Fees, Sponsorships without a Direct Tie-In to Programs, Operational Expenses.

The Longwood Rotary Club Foundation (LRCF) has been helping our local community for over 20 years. Last  year the LRCF awarded over $86,000 to worthy projects and initiatives. This year, the first three grants were  presented to Stephanie D’Amico of the Kennett Senior Center, Robert Curran of the Fuller Disaster Relief  Program, and Patty Hillkirk of Camp Dreamcatcher by the LRCF’s Treasurer, Dave McKeon.  
RCLF Past-President Lynn Nathan - “Our grant applications have been very motivating and dynamic and are clearly are in line with our five major focus areas:  Education, Housing, Transportation, Community and Youth."